Monday, June 6, 2022

GTA Real Estate Agent Database - 4500 Contacts with Name, Phone and Mailing address

 The world of real estate has so many applications - we can help you connect with REAL ESTATE professionals everywhere.   We have a terrific list of RE agents and everyone involved in the real estate world  - Reach out if you need a quote to reach these people

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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Organic Farmers Database - North America

 Hey Everyone!

Exciting news - we just finished our build out of the Organic Farmers across North America.  

Organic farming is the fastest growing portion of the population with over 10,000 contacts in our database currently.   All contacts come complete with Name, Email, Mailing Address, Phone and Fax.

If you are looking to connect with this exploding vertical we have the best list to aid in your direct marketing needs.  Data is provided for multi-use and will ensure a huge ROI for the right offer.

Reach out with additional questions

Best of luck! 

West List Co. Inc.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Crypto Bitcoin Executives Database - 7500 contacts across North America

 Hey Everyone,  if you are looking to make connections in the world of Crypto we have the contacts to help you build your business. 

We have generated a massive database of all the Crypto companies - these people make all the decisions about the world of bitcoin and crypto currencies.  All contacts have name, email, mailing address, phone number and more.   Records are provided in excel format for easy use.   Look forward to connecting and answering any questions.   

West List Co. 

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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Police Chief Database - North American Police Contact Database

 Hey Everyone,   Just finished the completion of an impressive Police Chief Database of more than 4000 contacts across the US and Canada.  We can provide name, email, mailing address and phone numbers.   

Records are provided in excel format - if you are interested in renting the database to reach the world of modern policing please reach out. 

US Police Chiefs -3602 Contacts

Canada Police Chiefs - 452 Contacts

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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Influencer Database - Influencer marketing

 The world of marketing has been altered by social media and the ability to connect with people via instagram, twitter and other platforms.  Its not merely putting links in front of people, we now have the ability to find a new group of publishers-influencers who generate great content to unique subsets of the media world.  West List Co. has built a database of influencers who can connect you with your audience.  

The top 5 platforms for influencer marketing are as follows. 

  • Instagram: 89%
  • YouTube: 70%
  • Facebook: 45%
  • Blogs: 44%
  • Twitter: 33%

If you have interest in finding the right influencer for your marketing program - please reach out and we will be your connection.

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Monday, August 17, 2020

Email Response Rates are BOOMING!

 Hey Everyone,


Hope you are doing well. More than 306 billion. That’s how many emails were expected to be sent and received each day in 2020. With millions of companies switching to remote work and brands sending more emails, the number may well exceed this.

Some statistics:

       Email revenue is up 86%.

       Open rates are up 21.8% and click through rates are up 22.5%.

       Revenue per recipient is up 60.5%.

Email marketing is performing better than it has in a long time, a clear sign that people are spending a lot more time in their inboxes. What are they looking for and how can your business respond? Here our four things you should change about your email:

       Email hygiene involves more initiative right now considering the massive loss of jobs now invalid email addresses.

       Be empathetic and offer practical help.

       Be more aware of spam complaints. No matter what, someone is going to be unhappy.

       Stick to a consistent sending schedule. This is a simple way to keep spam complaints under control.

Email continues to deliver stellar performance. But how can you bring it to the next level? Call me for an in-depth look at the latest strategies and tactics.

Stay healthy!

West List Co.

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Infinite Dial Survey - What it means for marketers

The Infinite Dial Canada survey

The Infinite Dial Canada, by Edison Research and Triton Digital, is the newest study of consumer behaviour and media consumption in the Infinite Dial series and the first to be conducted in Canada. It is modelled after the original Infinite Dial report, which has been done yearly in the U.S. since 1998. Some highlights from the study include:
·         Canadian smartphone ownership is at 76% (compared to 82% in the U.S.)
·         Smart speaker ownership is at 8% overall, with Google Home taking a larger share than Amazon in Canada
·         Nearly half of all Canadians 18+ (49%) are weekly listeners to online audio, with Spotify leading the pack in usage (16%)
·         As in the U.S., radio dominates in-car media consumption, with 64% of Canadians saying it is the audio source they use most in their cars
·         Monthly podcast listening is 28%, with 61% of Canadians 18+ being familiar with the term
·         Canadian podcast listeners listen to an average of five podcasts in the last week
Edison Senior VP Tom Webster presented the findings in a live webinar on April 4 that can be heard below.

Canadian marketers are going to have an ever increasing difficult time reaching consumers.  Radio, TV and other traditional channels are being replaced in the home by other offerings.  Nearly 1 in 10 homes now has a smart speaker for streaming music.  Many homes moving away from a landline altogether.


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