Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hyper Segmentation in Social Network Marketing

The advent of social networks like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn has brought with it the incredible power to segment the audience you want to reach and do so at a price not offered on such a wide scale. These new offers include geo, income, age, sex, groups and interests; to name just a few. What this means in layment terms is that if you want to reach 40+ mothers in Portland, Oregon, who make like to cook. could be the place for you.

Things to remember on this side of things is that with each slice of the pie, it becomes a little bit smaller. This makes getting enough impressions a challenge for programs to have the desired effects. But as our knowledge of online users grows, this will increase the audiences for all offers. Now true this isn't a traditional DM offer, but I think it is increasingly part of the DIRECT side of our business.

Keep learning and Keep Reading.

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