Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ted Rogers - A great Canadian

I worked for Ted in what most would call Middle Management for 9 years. I shook his hand once. And watch him stand so close to BBQ at a company get together, that I would swear his synthetic suit was melting. Until his final days he took a brown paper bag lunch everyday. He never bought new clothing - and you could still catch him wearing the John Stockton high cut Adidas shorts every now and then. (True Story)

He was a true capitalist and a true Canadian. Think about how much Bell would be charging for your cellular minutes if there wasn't a better solution? Same thing with Cable and Internet. He saved Maclean Hunter from bankruptcy and kept alive Chatelaine, Macleans and many other mags that would have been discontinued if he hadn't agreed to fund their existence. A lot of this is considered Canadiana - He gave alot more than he took.

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